How to populate the Attendees field of a SharePoint event based on the...
As I formerly wrote, if you enable the incoming mails on a SharePoint calendar, and send a meeting request to the list, the participants’ mail addresses won’t be resolved to meeting attendees. To...
View ArticleHow to populate the Attendees field of a SharePoint event based on the...
In my previous post I already demonstrated a method to resolve the meeting attendees based on the mail addresses in the incoming mail, though – as I wrote there – that method has issues with event...
View ArticleHow to get the users from a multivalued field using JSCOM?
Assume you have a SharePoint list called Projects with a field called Members of type Person or Group and the option Allow Multiple Selections is enabled. You are to retrieve the users from the Members...
View ArticleHow to reduce the number of requests sent to the server when working with the...
Assume you need to access data on SharePoint server. The information you need consists of a batch of similar items, for example, properties (like name) of users having their ID from a specific array,...
View ArticleUsing IE as a local Host for SharePoint ECMAScript Client Object Model
In the recent weeks I got an idea of a specific client-side HTML application (HTML file located on the local hard drive) that communicate with the SharePoint server. More on that idea later, as I...
View ArticleUsing IE as a local Host for SharePoint ECMAScript Client Object Model, the...
In my recent post I wrote about how you can use the JavaScript Client Object Model (JSCOM) against a remote SharePoint 2010 server from a local HTML page. In the current post my goal is to demonstrate...
View ArticleCreating an Outlook add-in to handle mails waiting in outbox
A few weeks ago I had a network problem that caused a rather strange issue. The (rather important and urgent) mails I sent during the network-outage were waiting in the Outbox in Outlook, so far so...
View ArticleFavorites in the Cloud: Implementing a Windows 8 Share Target application...
I don’t know if it is just me, but a considerable part of my “knowledge” on SharePoint (and on other topics as well) is stored as links to interesting articles and nice blog posts. Whenever I need to...
View ArticleFavorites in the Cloud: Implementing a Windows 8 Search application with An...
In the previous part of this post I illustrated, how we can share links from IE 10 on O365. For general background info on the subject I suggest you to read that part first. In this part I provide the...
View ArticleUsing properties of the current SharePoint list when working with JavaScript
Roughly 1,5 years ago I wrote a post about how we can use the SP.ListOperation.Selection object and its getSelectedList method to find out the ID of the current list, and how to submit this value as an...
View ArticleFirst steps with the Project 2013 SDK and using the new CSOM of Project...
As you probably know, client-side object model (CSOM) is a new feature of Project Server 2013 for developers. It is just like the Managed Client OM (while JSOM is equivalent to ECMAScript / JavaScript...
View ArticleDeleting files from the IE cache as part of the Visual Studio deployment process
In the past months I had again a lot to do with client side SharePoint development, that means in practice mainly projects including ribbon extensions and tons of JavaScript files. One of the issues...
View ArticleHandling calendar exceptions with CSOM on Project Online
In the recent days I’m busy with Project Online and its CSOM API (if you would like to avoid some traps, see my first experiences with the Project 2013 SDK here). One of the tasks includes manipulating...
View ArticleAccessing Office 365 REST services using LINQPad
LINQPad is a great tool, even for a SharePoint developer when working with the RESTful web services. However, it does not provide an authentication mechanism against Office 365, a major issue when...
View ArticleLimitations of the $expand REST query option when working with Project Server...
Recently I prepared a REST request for the ProjectData service of Project Server. I assembled the following simple query using LINQPad : from a in Assignments select new {...
View ArticleDynamically populating Group Calendars, Part I – the basics
A few month ago I was working on a prototype of an internal SharePoint application to make it easier to HR and project managers to track and administer the status (like holiday, sick leave) of the...
View ArticleHow to use LINQ expressions in your JavaScript code when accessing the REST...
Working with both C# and JavaScript to process and display information stored on Project Server, I had to realize the power of LINQ in C#, and the lack of this language feature in JavaScript....
View ArticleReplacing the standard textbox for numeric fields with a Slider using HTML5
HTML5 supports a special input field type called Range. It would be nice to use this type of control when we should provide the user an edit form to enter a limited range of integer values. If this...
View ArticleCreating a mail distributor system using the incoming mail feature of SharePoint
Wouldn’t it be great to implement your own custom logic to distribute mails to targeted addresses (for example, based on sender or subject of the mail) using SharePoint lists and event receivers? In...
View ArticleExtending the classes generated by SPMetal to access the login name of the users
Recently I was working on a console application that collects data from SharePoint list using LINQ for further analysis. Assume we have a list called Developers (no specific Content Type, only the...
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